District 9——Black Horse for Office Box

7:47 PM
District 9 must be the greatest black horse for last summer since it would be easily ignored for its low cost and out-of-date style. If you have been attracted by "Peter Jackson Production", you will not feel dispoint this fresh director Neil Blomakamp, the former assistant and student of Peter Jackson, has not only gotten his teacher's imagination ability of creating weird monstar role and odd story but also made use of the visual effect in an appropriate way. He makes this film become the most revolutional and noval sci-fi movie. District 9 is also the most creative and real ET movie in these few years.

District 9 is the ET version The Blair Witch Project. If you have watched The Blair Witch Project before, you must remember it using actual event shooting way to narrate a ghost story and making it so real to make you easily believe. District 9 is also used hand camera to create this ET sotry and make real enough for you to believe it happening before. Such kind of story narration way has been used in Cloverfield and got great feedback, however, District 9 is more like Cult cinema without avoiding disgusting scene. It is not the mass taste film, but it can really let the ET movie lover be grateful.

Generally, ET movie attracts audiences with its special efficacy, mystery and future feeling. However, this story just set in our current living place which is dirty and real. Moreover, the former ET movies will descripe ET as invader, enemy and villain, but in District 9, ET is good guys, a group of refugee who unfortunately are trapped in District 9, totured and killed by human beings.

A huge space ship stops by on South Africa sky. Millions of ET live in refugee camp like rubbish. Movie is full of coarse, chao scenes. Besides, there would be a lot of bloody and disgusting scenes, such as war between ET and human beings. Movie also get a hero named Sharlto Copley who transfers into ET with virus affect. He has been lackey for human being but help ET to defend after knowing the cruel event done by human beings. He is not a typical hero but a wicked and snobbish man who can never be a hero without all those events. On the key moment, he shows the purest side of human personality. All his turn-around is convincing and agreeable. It is a interesting and anti-tranditional tragic hero.

In fact, District 9 expresses a theme for accusing goverment dictatorship, unfair treatment toward refugee and racial discrimination.


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